Water Plant Maintenance
Malcomson Road Utility District(MRUD) is currently completing maintenance work at Water Plant #2; therefore, the plant is offline. Water Plant #2 is the primary source of water for the District but because of the repairs, MRUD has shifted over to use Water Plant #1. Water Plant #1 utilizes ground water from a well instead of the NHCRWA surface water so the water may seem different in taste and appearance. Chlorine residuals are continuously monitored by EDP at the water plant and throughout the District to ensure that the water provided to residents is safe for consumption despite taste, odor and discoloration differences.
The work being done at Water Plant #2 should be completed by the first week in June. Once that work is complete, MRUD will shift back to its normal operations. If you continue to have water quality issues, please contact EDP at (832) 467-1599 so we can work to resolve individual situations.