HCMUD 183 Archive

Repairing a Waterline Leak

Harris County MUD No. 183 is repairing a waterline leak. Water service to the following streets may be interrupted: Forest Trails Dr, Holly Green Dr, River Sage Dr, Glenledi Dr, Clintridge Dr. HC183 will advise when the repairs are complete or if further action is necessary.

By |2024-02-23T21:07:04-06:00February 23rd, 2024|HCMUD 183 Archive|

Drought Stages Rescinded

West Harris County Regional Water Authority has rescinded Stage 1 of its Drought Contingency Plan, effective November 8, 2023. In response, Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 183 (MUD 183) has rescinded all drought stages under its Drought Contingency Plan. If you have questions about the District’s Drought Contingency Plan, please contact Si Environmental, LLC at 832-490-1600.

By |2024-01-13T14:33:09-06:00November 13th, 2023|HCMUD 183 Archive|

Stage 2- Severe Water Shortage Conditions in Effect


Stage 2 – Severe Water Shortage Conditions in Effect

West Harris County Regional Water Authority has initiated Stage 2 of its Drought Contingency Plan.  In response, Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 183 (MUD 183) was required to implement Stage 2 of its Drought Contingency Plan.  The following Stage 2 water use restrictions shall apply to all customers:

Irrigation Restrictions

  1. Even Addresses: Irrigation of landscaped areas with hose-end sprinklers or automatic irrigation systems shall be limited to Sundays and Thursdays between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m.
  2. Odd Addresses: Irrigation of landscaped areas with hose-end sprinklers or automatic irrigation systems shall be limited to Saturdays and Tuesdays between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m.
  3. Exception: Irrigation of landscaped areas is permitted at any time if it is by means of a hand-held hose, a faucet filled bucket or watering can of five (5) gallons or less, or drip irrigation system.

Other Water Use Restrictions

  1. Use of water to wash any motor vehicle, motorbike, boat, trailer, airplane or other vehicle is prohibited except between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. on the designated watering days listed above for even and odd addresses.  Such washing, when allowed, shall be done with a hand-held bucket or a hand-held hose equipped with a positive shutoff nozzle for quick rinses.  Vehicle washing may be done at any time on the immediate premises of a commercial car wash or commercial service station.  Further, such washing may be granted a variance from this restriction if the health, safety, or welfare of the public is contingent upon frequent vehicle cleansing, such as garbage trucks and vehicles used to transport food and perishables.
  2. Use of water to fill, refill, or add to any swimming pools, hot tubs, amenity lakes, and reflecting pools is prohibited except between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. on the designated watering days listed above for even and odd addresses.
  3. Operation of any ornamental fountain or pond for aesthetic or scenic purposes is prohibited except where necessary to support aquatic life or where such fountains or ponds are equipped with a recirculation system.
  4. Use of water from hydrants shall be limited to firefighting, related activities, or other activities necessary to maintain public health, safety, and welfare, except that use of water from designated fire hydrants for construction purposes may be allowed under special permit from MUD 183.
  5. Use of water for the irrigation of golf course greens, tees, and fairways is prohibited except between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. on the designated water days listed above for even and odd addresses.  However, if the golf course utilizes a water source for irrigation other than that provided by MUD 183’s potable water supply system, the golf course shall not be subject to this restriction.
  6. All restaurants are prohibited from serving water to their patrons except when requested.
  7. To the extent not otherwise provided or otherwise in conflict with any of the above, all other non-essential water uses are prohibited.

Please note that violators shall be subject to fines for each violation.  You will be notified if a change in the drought stage occurs.  If you have questions about the District’s Drought Contingency Plan or water restrictions, please contact Si Environmental, LLC at 832-490-1600.

By |2023-11-13T10:29:48-06:00September 10th, 2023|HCMUD 183 Archive|

Routine Waterline Flushing

HCMUD 183’s operator will be conducting routine waterline flushing in your area today through Thursday. The water will be safe to drink, but temporary fluctuations in water pressure and/or discoloration may occur. No action is needed by you at this time.

By |2022-12-05T19:55:03-06:00November 29th, 2022|HCMUD 183 Archive|
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